Tuesday, February 22, 2011


it's just me
i can't seem to get away but i can't stay
like a bad dream but i'm still awake
there's something
that's got a real good hold on me
maybe it's just a curse i need to break

days repeat
lost track of time when it unwinds before my eyes
but i can't give up even after a thousand tries
i'm waiting
for something anything to save me
maybe i just have to wait one more time

everything is temporary
the weaker i am the stronger i'll get
maybe it's just me but i can't forget i can
maybe it's just me

i'm wishing
there's a way out in the middle of it all
it's no one's fault cause i refuse to fall
silver screens
paint pretty pretty pictures of how it could be
maybe we should take it with a grain of salt

next scene is ripping at the seams
hearts beat heavily 
just breathe deeply steadily
then maybe we could see what they preach 
or maybe, maybe...

everything is temporary
the weaker i am the stronger i'll get
maybe it's just me but i can't forget i can
maybe it's just me
maybe, maybe, maybe...

everything is temporary

maybe it's just me



Always, Lainey
©2011 all rights reserved.

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