Friday, January 14, 2011

secrets to happiness

Life inspired.  The beautiful truth.

Forgive. You don't have to forget, but you have to forgive.

Let go of things that hinder you.

Hold onto your beliefs.

Be open-minded.

Don't take things personally.

Be a leader, and lead by example.

Remember where you came from.

Ask to hear stories from your grandparents.

Stay true to yourself and values.

Enjoy every stage of life.  Even when we're older than dirt.

Reformulate negative thoughts with a positive outlook.

Stargaze.  Make up your own stories to the constellations. 

Realize you can't change others but you can change yourself.

Be constructive.

Embrace imperfection.

Remember we're all entitled to a bad day.

Exercise and eat right (no diets).

Allow yourself to cry and find a healthy outlet like a hobby or physical activity.

Follow your dreams so you'll eventually be the dream and not the dreamer.

Encouragement and motivation can move mountains.   
Find your faith and hold on for dear life.

Have hope and keep it afloat.

Be an active observer and listener.

Always speak honestly but with consideration for others. 

Don't place too many expectations on others.  

Be compassionate.

Don't let what other people think stop you.

Inspiration is everywhere.

Surrender to love.

Let your passion fuel your ambition.

Patience will sustain greater than impulsion.

Don't be afraid to close your eyes.

Don't be afraid to fall.

Open your eyes, see what's right in front of you.

Find the right balance between your professional, social, and personal life.

Know that everyone has their own story/experiences, therefore there's no comparison. We are all equally important.

Be spontaneous.

Explore other cultures and their delicious cuisine.

Spoil yourself at least once a month.

Stand up for yourself and what you believe in.

Make a bucket list and complete it.


Pay it forward.

Say at least one positive thing a day.
Smile at a stranger, and perhaps strike a conversation with them.

Meet new people.  Make new friends. Keep the ones you have.

Look up to your best friend.

Reminisce about the good times.

Leave plenty of room for more wonderful memories to last a thousand lifetimes.

Give second chances. No thirds.

Extract the qualities you admire from the people around you.

Look at the bigger picture.

Hold your head up to let the sky see your eyes.

Know there is always a lesson to be learned and room to grow.

Use your fears and challenges to gain new strength.

Examine your life and live it the way you want to.  It's yours. 

If you don't understand, try.  

Learn when to keep a secret and when to speak up.

Express yourself creatively.

Believe the cliches.

Dare to be no one but yourself.

Sing and dance for the fun of it.

Keep the inside jokes coming.

Start your own traditions.

Always give your all.

Listen to classical music once in a while.

Find inspiration in the smallest places.

Appreciate all the beauty the world has to offer.

When things seem helpless or hopeless reach out.

Erase useless/negative words like "can't", "no", "don't", "won't", "hate", from your vocabulary.

Learn to be selfless.

Accept yourself so you can accept others.

Don't lose your identity in a relationship. Two individuals should inspire and bring out the best in one another. Don't let it close you off.

Work hard, play hard.

Surround yourself with positive people.

Make a difference.

Support a cause.


Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Be green friendly for better tomorrows.


Leave behind a mark.

Stand up for what you believe in.

Surprise yourself and do something you never thought you would.

Abandon the idea of ordinary. We can be/are extraordinary.

Educate yourself. (It will make you feel smart)

If you don't like something about yourself change it, and if you can't change it, accept it.

Learn to laugh at yourself

Love yourself.

Know that true confidence is acquired through overcoming the tough stuff.

Leave your comfort zone, even if it's temporary.

The way to the future is one day at a time.

Someday is today.

Don't take the anything for granted.


Love Always, Lainey

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